Tuesday, June 28, 2016

132 Days Till Election Day: New polls from Texas and Arkansas


Two new state polls today, both firsts for this year: Texas (Trump +8) and Arkansas (Trump +11).

This doesn't change the battleground list any, though it is interesting to note that Romney won Texas by almost 16% over Obama in 2012, while Trump has only half that number.

Here are the current averages from the battleground states:

Utah: Trump up by 5%
Kansas: Trump up by 3.45%
Georgia: Trump up by 3.1%
Missouri: Trump up by 0.75%
North Carolina: Clinton up by 1.3%
Colorado: Clinton up by 1%
Arizona: Clinton up by 1.6%
Florida: Clinton up by 2.1%
Ohio: Clinton up by 3.5%
Nevada: Clinton up by 3.9%
New Hampshire: Clinton up by 4.2%
Pennsylvania: Clinton up by 4.3%
Iowa: Clinton up for 5%
Virginia: Clinton up by 5.4%


No new national polls out today.

Currently, the composite polling average has Clinton up by 7.2%


Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion access law

(CNN) -- In a dramatic ruling, the Supreme Court on Monday threw out a Texas abortion access law in a victory to supporters of abortion rights who argued it would have shuttered all but a handful of clinics in the state. The 5-3 ruling is the most significant decision from the Supreme Court on abortion in two decades and could serve to deter other states from passing so-called "clinic shutdown" laws.

In joining with the liberal justices, perennial swing vote Justice Anthony Kennedy helped deliver a victory to abortion rights activists and signaled the court's majority in their favor could continue regardless of the presidential election and the filling of the empty seat on the bench left by the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

Who Will Donald Trump Pick as His VP?

(NBC News) -- A man who's famous for firing people on TV is now preparing to make the most important hire of his career. Donald Trump's campaign is working to narrow down its list of possible vice presidential candidates, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of a shortlist of potential picks.

Trump, who has no military or government experience, is said to seek a second-in-command with the policy and political experience to navigate a law-making system that remains largely opaque to the real estate mogul. And Trump's uniquely bombastic demeanor means that he faces a unique challenge in arranging a political marriage that also won't exacerbate an already fractured Republican Party.

Is Elizabeth Warren Really the Best Choice for Vice President?

(Slate) -- Will America see its first all-female ticket for the White House? The signs are strong. Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is most everyone’s favorite pick for the vice presidential slot, despite some very good reasons she shouldn’t be on the ticket.

Not only is she under heavy consideration from the Clinton campaign—which is “vetting” her, along with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro—but she’s been at the forefront of the Democratic push against Donald Trump and a strong advocate for the former secretary of state.

Benghazi report: Clinton should have realized risks

(CNN) -- House Republicans are planning to release a long-awaited report Tuesday on the Benghazi terror attacks that killed four Americans on Hillary Clinton's watch as secretary of state, reviving the politically charged issue less than five months before the election.

The report, parts of which have already been reviewed by CNN, paints a picture of a perfect storm of bureaucratic inertia, rapidly worsening security in Libya and inadequate resources in the months that led up to the killings of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues on September 11, 2012.

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